What is Satan? Usually we think of Satan as a spiritual person who is opposed to God. However, when Scripture speaks of Satan, it is mostly speaking of a spiritual realm that hates and attacks humanity. Here is a summary of the history of the Satanic realm, in its murder of humanity and its rejection of God’s mercy.
1. Creation by God
In addition to the physical universe, God created spiritual beings who ruled and helped create the physical realm. God created every individual within the Satanic realm—all of them spirits submitted to Him. He did not create rebellion, but He allowed for there to be disagreement and, ultimately, rebellion. Genesis 1:26; Ezekiel 28:12-19
2. Yahweh’s battle with Leviathan
Leviathan, a dragon in the heavenly realms, took over the earth and flooded it with the Sea, a physical power with a spiritual power behind it. Yahweh God battled the dragon and defeated him. God creates hell for the rebellious spirits, but causes Leviathan to be submitted to Him. Psalm 74:12-17
3. Six-day creation
God re-created the earth in the aftermath of his battle with Leviathan, punishing the water by dividing it between the heavens and the earth, and dividing it on the earth by raising up land again. God placed heavenly powers over the sun and moon and stars to rule over realms of day and night. And God all things to be submitted under his rule. Genesis 1
4. Creation of humanity
At the apex of his creation, God made humanity—not of the spiritual realm, but of the earth—and gave him rule over the creatures of the earth and air. Many in the spiritual world resented God’s choice of ruler, and determined to destroy humanity and take over the rule of the earth. Genesis 1:26-3:6
5. Serpent’s thwarting of humanity’s rule
God told humanity not to seek personal knowledge of good and evil or else they would die. The serpent, a representative of Leviathan, tricked the humans to disobey God. As their judgement, humanity was exiled out of paradise and placed under the power of Death, which had the right to judge them. Meanwhile, the serpent was also punished for his part in the rebellion. Genesis 3
6. Establishment of Satan
To judge humanity with equity, God established a prosecution to accuse humanity when they sinned, while God acted as both judge and defender. This system for accusation is headed by Satan (Hebrew for “accuser”), who acts as both prosecution and the one who is in charge of finishing out the sentence. Satan established a network of “evil spirits” (a full third of the spiritual powers) to lie and tempt humanity to sin (like the serpent), and when they fall, he accuses them to God, who must sentence them. Once they are sentenced, Satan judges and then kills them through his servant, death. Thus, Satan is a servant of God with his own agenda. Job 1-2; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 12
7. Sons of God and Daughters of Men
Some spiritual powers married human women who bore giants and violent men. This increased murder in the human realm, until it was so unrighteous that it could not be borne by the spiritual powers. Genesis 6
8. Flood
God was forced to judge all of humanity—except Noah—and so destroyed them with the Sea that he placed under His submission at creation. God then re-created the world again under humanity’s rule. Genesis 6-9
9. Division of the nations
In order to force humanity to obey God’s rule to spread over the earth, the spiritual powers confused the languages of humanity, and caused them to be divided into nations. Spiritual powers were then placed over each nation as rulers. Genesis 11; Deuteronomy 32:8 (LXX)
10. The development of idolatry
The spiritual powers revealed themselves to each nation. Each nation, desiring the favor of their own spiritual power, began worshiping their power side by side of the Most High God. They also did acts that were appalling to the spiritual powers—at which point the nation was judged by their power.
11. Yahweh’s choice
Yahweh, the Most High God, chose Abraham to develop his own nation—Israel— who would worship and honor and depend on Yahweh alone and not any other of the spiritual powers. Genesis 12; Deuteronomy 4:37
12. Exodus of Israel
Yahweh delivered his nation, Israel, from the oppression of Pharaoh in Egypt. Yahweh judged Pharaoh through the judging spiritual powers, including the Destroyer (who killed the firstborn) and the Sea (who destroyed Pharaoh’s army). Exodus 13-15
13. The Thwarting of Israel
The Satanic powers did not want a remnant of humanity reserved for obeying and worshipping Yahweh without judgement. So they caused their surrounding, corrupt nations to tempt the people of Israel into idolatry and sexual abominations. This caused Israel to be judged by Yahweh again and again. Numbers, Judges
14. Judgement of Israel via nations
When Israel became just like the other nations in its idolatry, oppression of the poor and immorality, then Yahweh allowed Israel to be judged by nations under control of Satanic powers—Assyria and Babylon. These nations were punished by Yahweh for their unjust violence in punishing God’s people. II Kings 17; 24-25; Habakkuk 1-2
15. The use of the Law to maximize death in Israel
Israel (now called Judah) continued as a nation, and depended on Yahweh’s law more than ever. However, Satan caused teachers and priests within Israel to apply the law so specifically that it meant no one could follow the Law without breaking it. Because the Law itself taught that everyone who broke the Law would die, Satan captured everyone under the Law and condemned them to be placed under the power of Death. Romans 7
16. Satanic Takeover of the Priesthood and Sanhedrin
The rulers of Israel, the priests and the body of elders (called the Sanhedrin) became focused on maintaining their power under powerful rulers such as Herod the Great and the Romans. This caused them to compromise with these Satanic nations, being under their authority, rather than focusing on what Yahweh granted them. John 8, Mark 12:38-40
17. Declaration and Testing of Jesus
Yahweh declared to all the spirit world that Jesus was his Son, the ruler of Israel. Hearing this, Satan tested Jesus in the wilderness to cause him to fall from his faithfulness to Yahweh. Jesus answered Satan with God’s word, remaining faithful to God. Matthew 4.
18. Attack of Satan by Jesus and followers
Jesus attacked the realm of Satan through exiling his evil spirits of judgement out of Israel. Jesus also gave his apostles the authority to attack the Satanic realm in this way. Mark 1; Luke 10
19. Death of Jesus through Sanhedrin
The Sanhedrin, under the rule of the High Priest, desired their own power as opposed to God’s rule through His appointed Ruler. They had Jesus killed, under the direction of evil spirits. Mark 12, 14-15
20. Defeat of Sanhedrin and priesthood through resurrection
On the third day, the Most High God judged Jesus and declared him innocent, providing power to his pronouncement by raising him from the dead. This overturned the Sanhedrin’s decision and declared them to be in opposition to God. Acts 2, 3
21. Jesus’ defeat of Death
Jesus opened up a way for people to be freed from judgment and Death. Everyone who commits themselves to Jesus participates in Jesus’ death, and so is no longer subject to judgment. Jesus gathers these people into his kingdom, to live according to His law, and they are no longer subject to the Satanic realm. Romans 5-8
22. Satan thrown from Heaven
Because of Satan’s part in killing Jesus, he was declared unrighteous and unfit for heaven. So he was thrown to earth by Michael and the army of God. However, Satan used (and uses) his power to corrupt the nations under his control and to cause them to persecute God’s people. Revelation 12
23. Jesus declared the Father’s “right hand man”
Because of his willingness to die for God’s will, Jesus was declared the ruler of God’s people beside the Father Himself. Jesus rules over his people who are faithful to him, and they have authority to attack Satan and not to live under his authority, for they are under Jesus. Matthew 28:18; Hebrews 1:3-4
24. Attack of Satanic Realm by Apostles
Jesus’ people on earth spoke against the Sanhedrin and the priesthood by declaring Jesus to be raised from the dead. The Sanhedrin and priests persecuted Jesus’ people, but they grew and remained strong, attacking evil spirits wherever they judged people of faith. Acts 3-5
25. Destruction of the Priesthood
After forty years, the priesthood—which was Satan’s tool on earth—was destroyed, due to their killing of Jesus and lack of repentance. Satan then used the Romans to attack Jesus’ people.
26. Satan’s attack of the church
Satan attacks the church today. First by causing parts of the church to be corrupted by false teaching, so that the bulk of the church uses Satanic punishment to attack them. Secondly, Satan oppresses Jesus’ people to be disobedient to Jesus’ law, thus causing them to be judged and placed under Death again. They could be freed of Satan, if they would use their authority, but Satan has made them forget the authority they had. Revelation 12
27. Development and worship of the Beast
Satan will test the world by raising up a man who would rule the world. He will demand to be worshipped as God, and those who do not worship him will be severely punished, especially those faithful to Jesus. Revelation 13
28. Jesus’ return
Jesus will return to earth to halt this organized, world-wide persecution of his people, and will destroy all the persecutors. From this point on, Jesus will rule over the nations, setting aside all other spiritual powers. And idolatry will be no more. Revelation 19.
29. Satan’s capture
Satan will be held in limbo for a thousand years, while Jesus rules the earth. Revelation 20.
30. Satan’s ultimate defeat
At the beginning of the final age, Satan and Death will be thrown into Hell, that God made in the beginning. The Sea will be no more and humanity will not be punished anymore. Revelation 21-22
A selection of the written versions of my teachings since 2000.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
What Jesus REALLY Said About The Last Days
Over the last thirty five years, the church has been focused on the last days, according to the Bible. Lately, certain books, radio and television shows have emphasized this focus and brought it special attention. However, many of these media misrepresent what the Bible teaches, and brings in many elements that are not important in the Bible teaching at all.
Important Future Events
As far as what Jesus says, and what the Bible says in general, there are three events that we are to focus on:
1. A world military leader claiming he is to be worshipped like God
What many people call the “antichrist” is a military leader who will have control of the world’s most powerful army. Not only that, he will demand to be worshipped as God himself. This is the major signal that Jesus and Paul and John warns us of. If a world leader who demands to be worshipped is not yet made public, then the end is not yet come.
2. The world-wide persecution of God’s people
Both Jesus and the book of Revelation highlight the time of the end as being a time in which God’s people are severely persecuted. This will take place all around the globe, and will be an organized, governmental attack on people who have faith in God in Jesus. This is not just in some countries, but in all. It will not just be marginal groups, but an all-out war on God’s people by the major governments of the world.
3. The Return of Jesus
The real event—the event Jesus said we should be paying attention to the most—is the return of Jesus. He said that he could be coming at any time, and so we should be ready for Him. When Jesus returns, he will come from heaven with angelic armies, prepared to violently destroy those who attacked his people. Then he will judge all people, and rule the earth from Jerusalem.
Events we shouldn’t pay any attention to
There are many events that people have spent their lives trying to discover or being anxious about. However, they are the wrong things to focus on:
Jesus stated clearly that “signs” such as earthquakes, floods, famines and wars we are NOT to pay attention to. He said, “These are but the beginning of birth pangs, but the end is not yet.” Although, in the last days, these events will take place, just because we see these doesn’t mean that we should say “this is it”.
Configuration of European governments
The book of Revelation speaks about ten kings being subdued by a military leader. But whether Europe is unified or not is no indication that the end is coming soon. Ten kings were subdued by Napoleon and Hitler, but this wasn’t the end.
Identities of the antichrist
Many people think they know who the “antichrist” is, and he is hiding in secret. But we are not to be concerned—or even know who he is—until he is “revealed”.
Economic events or systems
While the final days will have economic results, we cannot look at economic systems or events and claim that they represent the last days. Capitalism and the American dollar are just as corrupt as any other economic system that existed—including the Euro, communism or socialism— and God will destroy them all in the last days. Economic depression or prosperity are not a sign of the end, but events that must take place before the fact.
Mark of the beast
In Revelation, the “mark” is simply a tattoo displaying one’s worship of the beast. It has nothing to do with computer chips, UPC codes. And just because we see a “666” somewhere, it doesn’t mean that it indicates the antichrist, for that number is the symbolic representation of the antichrist. The happenstance use of it means nothing.
Worldwide Conspiracies
Many are expressing great concern about groups that plan to take over the world governments, or that hold secret control over governments or economies right now, such as the “Illuminati” or the Freemasons. There is no proof that such conspiracies exist, and the fact the Christians continue to publicize such “conspiracies” as fact with no evidence is only making the church look foolish and deluded. The governments of the world are corrupt enough as it is without a conspiracy, and the future anti-Christian government will not be hidden, but openly revealed.
The restoration of “Israel”
Just because a nation arises that calls itself “Israel” does not mean that the True Israel—the nation of God through faith—has come. On the final day, the return of Jesus will restore God’s people by the power of God, but not before then.
Dates, years or seasons
Every couple years or so someone comes up with a new date Jesus is returning. However, Jesus clearly said that no human would know the day, time, season or approximate time of his return. That is for the Father to decide—even Jesus himself did not know. Therefore, if anyone says they know the time of Jesus’ return, they are wrong!
Marginal Future events
Below are events that may or may not occur as expected. But whether they do or not, it will not keep Jesus from returning just when he wants to.
The rebuilding of the temple
It is possible that the temple could be rebuilt, and that the antichrist could use it to be worshipped in. However, the temple does not need to be rebuilt for the future events to take place. The antichrist can demand to be worshipped without the temple being rebuilt.
The “rapture”
Many talk about the “rapture” as a time when God’s people would “disappear” from earth. It is true that Jesus spoke about God’s people being gathered by the angels. However, both he and Paul spoke of this as being a part of Jesus’ return, and would happen simultaneously.
The evangelism of the world
Jesus did say that the gospel would go throughout the world before Jesus’ return. However, he did not necessarily mean every “people group”. As far as evangelization goes, that requirement could be fulfilled already, even as Paul said it was in his day.
The corruption of the church
Some say that before Jesus’ return the organized church must be corrupt, or must be purified. Since almost all the organized church has set aside any concern of being obedient to Jesus, we see the church as already corrupt. The whole church need not be purified before the end, for two events will purify the church—the persecution of the church and the separation of the obedient and the disobedient by Jesus.
Jesus is coming back—
apart from that, hedge all your bets
Our task is not to look for signs of the end, but to be prepared for Jesus by committing ourselves to him and by being obedient to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Important Future Events
As far as what Jesus says, and what the Bible says in general, there are three events that we are to focus on:
1. A world military leader claiming he is to be worshipped like God
What many people call the “antichrist” is a military leader who will have control of the world’s most powerful army. Not only that, he will demand to be worshipped as God himself. This is the major signal that Jesus and Paul and John warns us of. If a world leader who demands to be worshipped is not yet made public, then the end is not yet come.
2. The world-wide persecution of God’s people
Both Jesus and the book of Revelation highlight the time of the end as being a time in which God’s people are severely persecuted. This will take place all around the globe, and will be an organized, governmental attack on people who have faith in God in Jesus. This is not just in some countries, but in all. It will not just be marginal groups, but an all-out war on God’s people by the major governments of the world.
3. The Return of Jesus
The real event—the event Jesus said we should be paying attention to the most—is the return of Jesus. He said that he could be coming at any time, and so we should be ready for Him. When Jesus returns, he will come from heaven with angelic armies, prepared to violently destroy those who attacked his people. Then he will judge all people, and rule the earth from Jerusalem.
Events we shouldn’t pay any attention to
There are many events that people have spent their lives trying to discover or being anxious about. However, they are the wrong things to focus on:
Jesus stated clearly that “signs” such as earthquakes, floods, famines and wars we are NOT to pay attention to. He said, “These are but the beginning of birth pangs, but the end is not yet.” Although, in the last days, these events will take place, just because we see these doesn’t mean that we should say “this is it”.
Configuration of European governments
The book of Revelation speaks about ten kings being subdued by a military leader. But whether Europe is unified or not is no indication that the end is coming soon. Ten kings were subdued by Napoleon and Hitler, but this wasn’t the end.
Identities of the antichrist
Many people think they know who the “antichrist” is, and he is hiding in secret. But we are not to be concerned—or even know who he is—until he is “revealed”.
Economic events or systems
While the final days will have economic results, we cannot look at economic systems or events and claim that they represent the last days. Capitalism and the American dollar are just as corrupt as any other economic system that existed—including the Euro, communism or socialism— and God will destroy them all in the last days. Economic depression or prosperity are not a sign of the end, but events that must take place before the fact.
Mark of the beast
In Revelation, the “mark” is simply a tattoo displaying one’s worship of the beast. It has nothing to do with computer chips, UPC codes. And just because we see a “666” somewhere, it doesn’t mean that it indicates the antichrist, for that number is the symbolic representation of the antichrist. The happenstance use of it means nothing.
Worldwide Conspiracies
Many are expressing great concern about groups that plan to take over the world governments, or that hold secret control over governments or economies right now, such as the “Illuminati” or the Freemasons. There is no proof that such conspiracies exist, and the fact the Christians continue to publicize such “conspiracies” as fact with no evidence is only making the church look foolish and deluded. The governments of the world are corrupt enough as it is without a conspiracy, and the future anti-Christian government will not be hidden, but openly revealed.
The restoration of “Israel”
Just because a nation arises that calls itself “Israel” does not mean that the True Israel—the nation of God through faith—has come. On the final day, the return of Jesus will restore God’s people by the power of God, but not before then.
Dates, years or seasons
Every couple years or so someone comes up with a new date Jesus is returning. However, Jesus clearly said that no human would know the day, time, season or approximate time of his return. That is for the Father to decide—even Jesus himself did not know. Therefore, if anyone says they know the time of Jesus’ return, they are wrong!
Marginal Future events
Below are events that may or may not occur as expected. But whether they do or not, it will not keep Jesus from returning just when he wants to.
The rebuilding of the temple
It is possible that the temple could be rebuilt, and that the antichrist could use it to be worshipped in. However, the temple does not need to be rebuilt for the future events to take place. The antichrist can demand to be worshipped without the temple being rebuilt.
The “rapture”
Many talk about the “rapture” as a time when God’s people would “disappear” from earth. It is true that Jesus spoke about God’s people being gathered by the angels. However, both he and Paul spoke of this as being a part of Jesus’ return, and would happen simultaneously.
The evangelism of the world
Jesus did say that the gospel would go throughout the world before Jesus’ return. However, he did not necessarily mean every “people group”. As far as evangelization goes, that requirement could be fulfilled already, even as Paul said it was in his day.
The corruption of the church
Some say that before Jesus’ return the organized church must be corrupt, or must be purified. Since almost all the organized church has set aside any concern of being obedient to Jesus, we see the church as already corrupt. The whole church need not be purified before the end, for two events will purify the church—the persecution of the church and the separation of the obedient and the disobedient by Jesus.
Jesus is coming back—
apart from that, hedge all your bets
Our task is not to look for signs of the end, but to be prepared for Jesus by committing ourselves to him and by being obedient to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus' Ethics
Jesus’ teaching isn’t just some general statements, but a whole lifestyle. Jesus didn’t just tell his people to love. Rather, he told us who and how to love. And his teaching isn’t just a good idea or some wise suggestions. Rather, they are the commands of a king to his people—the law of the kingdom of God. If we live our Jesus’ commands, then we are paying attention to the following principles of Jesus: “Be alert”, be prepared for Jesus’ coming, “abide in me”, “do the Father’s will”, “come to me”, “my burden is light”, “you are the salt of the world”, “follow Me”, “in this way everyone will know that you are my disciples” and many more.
Jesus—the basis of morality
To live according to Jesus’ life, we must have Jesus. Jesus spent quite a bit of time speaking of the necessity of being committed to him. He said “believe in me”, “follow me”, “learn from me”, “whoever loves his father and mother more than me can not be my disciple” and “whoever would come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” To have Jesus, we must invite him to be king and Lord of our lives—where his nation is our nation and our first priority. To be a part of Jesus, he wants us to be baptized and to regularly participate in the Lord’s supper. But most of all, we must learn about Jesus, his teaching and live it out in all of our ways. If we commit ourselves to Jesus, He will give us the Holy Spirit—God within us—to guide us in His ways.
Jesus’ Commands—
A. The Basics
Jesus basically summarized the ten commandments, but he also applied them in specific ways.
Don’t murder
Don’t steal
Don’t defraud—This means not lying in court or trying to cheat someone in business.
Don’t commit adultery—Jesus described this as not cheating on your spouse, not having sex with someone else’s spouse—even if they are divorced—and not desiring that someone else’s spouse was your own.
Honor your parents—Jesus described this as giving respect for your parents and providing for them in their old age.
B. Loving God
“No one can serve two masters”—This command also comes from the first two of the ten commandments. Jesus doesn’t want us serving other gods, nor does he want us to worship images as God. The main issue that Jesus spoke of in this regard was wealth. He considered wealth, money and possessions to be another god that demands service. There are certainly other gods that we can serve instead of God as well, such as sex, drugs, alcohol, or television/movies.
“The Lord’s name in vain”—Part of respecting God, Jesus says, is using His name carefully. So we do not use God’s name in cursing, falsehood or broken promises.
“Pray this way”—Jesus told us that we need to pray on a regular basis. When we pray, we use the Lord’s prayer as a model. Also, we need to pray for the Holy Spirit. Another thing that Jesus would often do when he prayed is to listen to God and see if he has anything to say to us.
“Clean the inside of cup”—To be right before God, Jesus says, we have to have our intentions and motivations pure, not just our actions. Even the smallest of actions display our true intention, and that is what we will be judged on. This is why we pray for the Holy Spirit, to clean our inner thoughts.
“Don’t be as the hypocrites”—Jesus wants us to take care when we worship or serve God that we are doing it for Him and not for other people. Jesus said that it would be good if we did some of our religious deeds in secret, so no one would know else would know we are doing them.
Porneia— As a part of our purity before God, Jesus wants us to not participate in sexual immorality. By this Jesus meant not being involved in: sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, pornography, or incest.
“I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”—Jesus wants us to focus on two things—what God says and helping people. But he doesn’t want our added traditions or commands—our religion—to in any way harm others or to stand against God’s commands. This means, for instance, that we don’t use the Bible to destroy others, emotionally.
“Faith the size of a mustard seed”—Jesus wants us to recognize that God can do anything He wants to—and that He will respond in love to our prayers. This means sometimes that we need to step out in faith to do what God wants us to do, even if it seems crazy to those who don’t trust in God.
“Seek first the kingdom”—Jesus wants us to do work for God, expecting no wage. There are different kinds of work Jesus affirmed—evangelism, giving to the poor, prayer, teaching Scripture, healing the sick and more. Also, Jesus tells us to pray that God would call more workers.
C. Love your neighbor
“Do Unto Others”-- Treat others as we would have them treat us. We want to be respected, communicated with and supported—so, Jesus says, we do the same to others.
“Whoever is angry”—Jesus told us not to act in hostility against others, including insulting them or harming them in revenge.
“Look of lust”—Jesus told us that our sexual purity must include even the smallest actions such as looking at someone with lust.
“Certificate of divorce”—Jesus tells us that the only thing that breaks a marriage is adultery or divorce. But to divorce and get remarried is adultery, and a forced divorce could cause great harm.
“Let your Yes be Yes”—Jesus said that if we make a promise, we must keep it, even if it’s inconvenient. To do less than keep our word, Jesus says, is of Satan.
“Love your enemies”—Rather than getting revenge, Jesus says that we are to do good to those who do evil to us. We are always to think of how to best benefit others in all circumstances.
“Be reconciled”—If we have done anything wrong to others, we should make our wrongs right by going to the person we have wronged.
“Judge not lest you be judged”- Don’t judge without mercy. Always assume the best and give people a chance to make their wrongs right.
“Forgive and you will be forgiven”—Jesus says that if anyone tries to make their wrongs right, we must take them back into relationship. We cannot keep people at arm’s length because we don’t like something they’ve apologized for.
“Give to the poor” – Jesus says that if we see anyone in need, we should do what we can to help them.
D. Church Morality
“Love one another”—Jesus said that in the church we are all to look out for each other, caring for each other as we would family members.
“Be at peace”—Jesus doesn’t want us to have arguments about minor matters. Nor are we to divide ourselves from others in the church, except for continuing sin.
“Rebuke him privately”—Jesus told the church to correct anyone in the church not living up to Jesus’ morality. This correction is to be done gently, with the intention of restoring the sinner.
“Well done, good and faithful servant”—Jesus said that everyone in the church needs to do work for the kingdom of God, with God as our employer and rewarder.
“Wash each other’s feet”—Jesus wants us to be hospitable to others who follow Jesus—including feeding each other, inviting others to our homes, praying for each other, and visiting each other when we are sick or in prison.
“I came to seek the lost”—The church of Jesus is to constantly be open to those who have failed God and wants to come back to Him.
“Preach the gospel”—Jesus tells the church that we—especially our leaders—are to proclaim God’s kingdom, the death and resurrection of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins.
“Heal the sick, cast out demons”—The church of Jesus, especially the leaders of the church, are to pray for others to give them spiritual freedom from sickness and evil spirits.
“Beware of false teachers”—The church is not to put leaders over ourselves who teach something apart from what Jesus taught. Nor are we to place people who are disobedient to Jesus over us as leaders.
“The last shall be first”—The leaders of Jesus people are there to serve all the others, to be humble and merciful.
“Freely received, freely give”—The teaching and the ministry that Jesus gave the church to give to others is to be free—without cost.
“The worker is worthy of his hire”—The church of Jesus is to take care of their leaders, providing for their basic needs.
E. Humility and Sacrifice
“The humble will be exalted”—Jesus says that we are to allow ourselves to be humiliated, disrespected and put down. If we do this, God will honor us and raise us up.
“Invite the poor”—We are to give honor to the lowly, poor and outcast, who cannot repay us, so God will give us honor.
“Sell your possessions”—Jesus wants us to not just give to the poor when it is convenient, but to sacrifice our own personal wealth for the poor.
“Turn the other cheek”—We are to submit to authorities, even if they do us harm. The only time we do not submit is if they tell us to disobey Jesus.
“Take up the cross”—Jesus wants our lives to be surrendered for the sake of others and God. Doing minor acts of mercy or devotion is not enough—we must surrender our whole lives, even literally if necessary.
“Rejoice and be glad”—Jesus said that if we do get persecuted, hated, isolated, or rejected because of following his way, speaking the gospel or living for Jesus, then we shouldn’t be depressed, but happy. For God will look at our faithfulness and reward us greater than the persecutions we suffered.
To love Jesus is to obey Jesus willingly
Jesus—the basis of morality
To live according to Jesus’ life, we must have Jesus. Jesus spent quite a bit of time speaking of the necessity of being committed to him. He said “believe in me”, “follow me”, “learn from me”, “whoever loves his father and mother more than me can not be my disciple” and “whoever would come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” To have Jesus, we must invite him to be king and Lord of our lives—where his nation is our nation and our first priority. To be a part of Jesus, he wants us to be baptized and to regularly participate in the Lord’s supper. But most of all, we must learn about Jesus, his teaching and live it out in all of our ways. If we commit ourselves to Jesus, He will give us the Holy Spirit—God within us—to guide us in His ways.
Jesus’ Commands—
A. The Basics
Jesus basically summarized the ten commandments, but he also applied them in specific ways.
Don’t murder
Don’t steal
Don’t defraud—This means not lying in court or trying to cheat someone in business.
Don’t commit adultery—Jesus described this as not cheating on your spouse, not having sex with someone else’s spouse—even if they are divorced—and not desiring that someone else’s spouse was your own.
Honor your parents—Jesus described this as giving respect for your parents and providing for them in their old age.
B. Loving God
“No one can serve two masters”—This command also comes from the first two of the ten commandments. Jesus doesn’t want us serving other gods, nor does he want us to worship images as God. The main issue that Jesus spoke of in this regard was wealth. He considered wealth, money and possessions to be another god that demands service. There are certainly other gods that we can serve instead of God as well, such as sex, drugs, alcohol, or television/movies.
“The Lord’s name in vain”—Part of respecting God, Jesus says, is using His name carefully. So we do not use God’s name in cursing, falsehood or broken promises.
“Pray this way”—Jesus told us that we need to pray on a regular basis. When we pray, we use the Lord’s prayer as a model. Also, we need to pray for the Holy Spirit. Another thing that Jesus would often do when he prayed is to listen to God and see if he has anything to say to us.
“Clean the inside of cup”—To be right before God, Jesus says, we have to have our intentions and motivations pure, not just our actions. Even the smallest of actions display our true intention, and that is what we will be judged on. This is why we pray for the Holy Spirit, to clean our inner thoughts.
“Don’t be as the hypocrites”—Jesus wants us to take care when we worship or serve God that we are doing it for Him and not for other people. Jesus said that it would be good if we did some of our religious deeds in secret, so no one would know else would know we are doing them.
Porneia— As a part of our purity before God, Jesus wants us to not participate in sexual immorality. By this Jesus meant not being involved in: sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, pornography, or incest.
“I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”—Jesus wants us to focus on two things—what God says and helping people. But he doesn’t want our added traditions or commands—our religion—to in any way harm others or to stand against God’s commands. This means, for instance, that we don’t use the Bible to destroy others, emotionally.
“Faith the size of a mustard seed”—Jesus wants us to recognize that God can do anything He wants to—and that He will respond in love to our prayers. This means sometimes that we need to step out in faith to do what God wants us to do, even if it seems crazy to those who don’t trust in God.
“Seek first the kingdom”—Jesus wants us to do work for God, expecting no wage. There are different kinds of work Jesus affirmed—evangelism, giving to the poor, prayer, teaching Scripture, healing the sick and more. Also, Jesus tells us to pray that God would call more workers.
C. Love your neighbor
“Do Unto Others”-- Treat others as we would have them treat us. We want to be respected, communicated with and supported—so, Jesus says, we do the same to others.
“Whoever is angry”—Jesus told us not to act in hostility against others, including insulting them or harming them in revenge.
“Look of lust”—Jesus told us that our sexual purity must include even the smallest actions such as looking at someone with lust.
“Certificate of divorce”—Jesus tells us that the only thing that breaks a marriage is adultery or divorce. But to divorce and get remarried is adultery, and a forced divorce could cause great harm.
“Let your Yes be Yes”—Jesus said that if we make a promise, we must keep it, even if it’s inconvenient. To do less than keep our word, Jesus says, is of Satan.
“Love your enemies”—Rather than getting revenge, Jesus says that we are to do good to those who do evil to us. We are always to think of how to best benefit others in all circumstances.
“Be reconciled”—If we have done anything wrong to others, we should make our wrongs right by going to the person we have wronged.
“Judge not lest you be judged”- Don’t judge without mercy. Always assume the best and give people a chance to make their wrongs right.
“Forgive and you will be forgiven”—Jesus says that if anyone tries to make their wrongs right, we must take them back into relationship. We cannot keep people at arm’s length because we don’t like something they’ve apologized for.
“Give to the poor” – Jesus says that if we see anyone in need, we should do what we can to help them.
D. Church Morality
“Love one another”—Jesus said that in the church we are all to look out for each other, caring for each other as we would family members.
“Be at peace”—Jesus doesn’t want us to have arguments about minor matters. Nor are we to divide ourselves from others in the church, except for continuing sin.
“Rebuke him privately”—Jesus told the church to correct anyone in the church not living up to Jesus’ morality. This correction is to be done gently, with the intention of restoring the sinner.
“Well done, good and faithful servant”—Jesus said that everyone in the church needs to do work for the kingdom of God, with God as our employer and rewarder.
“Wash each other’s feet”—Jesus wants us to be hospitable to others who follow Jesus—including feeding each other, inviting others to our homes, praying for each other, and visiting each other when we are sick or in prison.
“I came to seek the lost”—The church of Jesus is to constantly be open to those who have failed God and wants to come back to Him.
“Preach the gospel”—Jesus tells the church that we—especially our leaders—are to proclaim God’s kingdom, the death and resurrection of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins.
“Heal the sick, cast out demons”—The church of Jesus, especially the leaders of the church, are to pray for others to give them spiritual freedom from sickness and evil spirits.
“Beware of false teachers”—The church is not to put leaders over ourselves who teach something apart from what Jesus taught. Nor are we to place people who are disobedient to Jesus over us as leaders.
“The last shall be first”—The leaders of Jesus people are there to serve all the others, to be humble and merciful.
“Freely received, freely give”—The teaching and the ministry that Jesus gave the church to give to others is to be free—without cost.
“The worker is worthy of his hire”—The church of Jesus is to take care of their leaders, providing for their basic needs.
E. Humility and Sacrifice
“The humble will be exalted”—Jesus says that we are to allow ourselves to be humiliated, disrespected and put down. If we do this, God will honor us and raise us up.
“Invite the poor”—We are to give honor to the lowly, poor and outcast, who cannot repay us, so God will give us honor.
“Sell your possessions”—Jesus wants us to not just give to the poor when it is convenient, but to sacrifice our own personal wealth for the poor.
“Turn the other cheek”—We are to submit to authorities, even if they do us harm. The only time we do not submit is if they tell us to disobey Jesus.
“Take up the cross”—Jesus wants our lives to be surrendered for the sake of others and God. Doing minor acts of mercy or devotion is not enough—we must surrender our whole lives, even literally if necessary.
“Rejoice and be glad”—Jesus said that if we do get persecuted, hated, isolated, or rejected because of following his way, speaking the gospel or living for Jesus, then we shouldn’t be depressed, but happy. For God will look at our faithfulness and reward us greater than the persecutions we suffered.
To love Jesus is to obey Jesus willingly
Dialogue on Blame
God: So, you ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, Adam. What’s up? Why did you do it?
Adam: You see God, it was that woman you handed to me. Oh, yeah, she was a really great find, huh? Did you get her in a Dollar Tree? She just handed me the fruit on a silver platter, as if it was some great gourmet treat.
God: Well, okay, but did you eat it?
Adam: What am I to do? Throw it aside? Sure, but she was offering it to me.
God: Uh, Adam, did you know what fruit it was?
Adam: Yeah, but she ate some already, I guessed it was too late. How was I to know that it would cause trouble?
God: You remember what I said, don’t you?
Adam: Yeah, I remember. So?
God: I told you not to eat it or there would be consequences, right?
Adam: But you can’t really hold it to me, after all, it was her fault.
God: Adam, it was your action, not hers. You are to face the consequence of your own action. Now, Eve.
Eve: Mmm hmm.
God: Did you eat of the fruit?
Eve: Well, yeah, but the snake told me to.
God: He did?
Eve: Practically. I was ready to talk about something else—anything else. But that snake want to talk to me about godlike powers and stuff.
God: Did he force you to eat the fruit? Did he put it in your mouth?
Eve: He might as well have. I had to eat it just to get him to shut up. And, besides, he lied to me.
God: Really? What did he say?
Eve: He told me that we wouldn’t die if I ate it. He said it’d be great, like a party in my mouth. I think he’s just got it in for me. He just wanted to see me mess up.
God: I suppose so.
Eve: So, since he’s the one who really messed me up, I won’t have to pay the consequences, will I?
God: Well, did you do it?
Eve: Do what?
God: Eat the fruit?
Eve: Well, yeah, but he goaded me into it…
God: But that doesn’t matter. You will face the consequences of your action, no matter what he did.
Eve: But he’s really the one to blame. Sure, I messed up, but I didn’t really know what I was doing!
God: Didn’t you know the command?
Eve: Yeah, but he got it all confused in my head…
God: Did you know the consequence?
Eve: Yeah, but…
God: No buts. If you knew what you were doing and knew the consequence, then the responsibility is yours. Now Snake. Let’s have a talk.
Snake: You really messed them up, God (hee hee).
God: We’ll see. But first you and I need to talk.
Snake: What? I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t hear anything like “Don’t trick the humans”. You can’t blame me.
God: You did hear what I told them, right.
Snake: Yeah. That’s how I knew how to get ‘em. You just about set them up for me.
God: Really? So you knew you were tricking her all along?
Snake: Sure, no big harm, right? Just wipe ‘em out like you said and you can set someone else up to rule… By the way, I got a good idea who could be in charge…
God: Really, who do you think?
Snake: Somebody whose really wise… can sneak around making sure that no one slips up…
God: I suppose you think I ought to promote you.
Snake: Yeah, I found those two hypocrites for you. You should thank me.
God: Look, all you are doing is trying to divert attention away from the evil you did.
Snake: I didn’t do nothin’. It’s their own fault for messing up.
God: But you “set them up”.
Snake: Yeah, but they deserved it.
God: And you deserve what you get. Putting someone in the circumstance to sin is also a sin. Especially if you know that you’re doing it. And you knew that already.
Snake: What do you mean?
God: You aren’t getting promoted. You’re going down. Let’s lose those legs.
Snake: Hey, wait a minute, I liked those legs—they were my best legs. They were my only legs!
God: And just to let you know, pretty soon your going to lose your head, too.
Snake: Oh, I don’t like that.
God: I bet. But your actions have consequences. Every evil does. Which reminds me. Eve?
Eve: Yeah…
God: There’s no more paradise for you. You will have children, and one of your children will crush the snake. But there’s going to be pain in giving birth and in raising your kids.
Eve: Really?
God: Really. And Adam?
Adam: What?
God: There’s pain for you, too. Pain in all your work, every day.
Adam: I knew that you didn’t really care for me. You never liked me at all, did you?
God: Look, Adam. I gave you this garden, which is perfect. And I set you up for life—forever! But you chose to spit in my face. Yeah, perhaps you guys were too focused on each other, instead of Me. If you’d focused on me, you never would have despised me. But now it’s too late. I suppose you’ll think it’s my fault for the rest of your lives—as short as they will be. And you will teach blame and hatred to your children. They will blame each other for their own action and they will hate each other because they blame and are being blamed. And then they’ll kill each other. But I will always keep some who will focus on me. Those who focus on me will admit their faults. They will accept their responsibility. And then they’ll ask for forgiveness. And you know what—I’ll give it to them. I don’t want to kill anyone. But I will do what I say. And Adam?
Adam: Yeah, what?
God: That’s why you’re still in charge of my creation.
Adam: Really?
God: Yeah. I made a promise, and I will keep it. Forever. But still, you’ll have to leave the garden. It won’t be easy street anymore, guys. You wanted to be on your own, make decisions on your own. So you will. I won’t bother you unless you want me to. If you want mercy, forgiveness and opportunity for life, then come back to me.
Adam: Alright, God. That’s enough. Come on, Eve. We know when we’re not wanted. We can figure things out ourselves. No matter what God says. It’s all his fault anyway. He started this whole thing.
God: (sigh)
When we blow it, focus on God, not on other people.
When someone else blows it, look for their repentance, not punishment.
Adam: You see God, it was that woman you handed to me. Oh, yeah, she was a really great find, huh? Did you get her in a Dollar Tree? She just handed me the fruit on a silver platter, as if it was some great gourmet treat.
God: Well, okay, but did you eat it?
Adam: What am I to do? Throw it aside? Sure, but she was offering it to me.
God: Uh, Adam, did you know what fruit it was?
Adam: Yeah, but she ate some already, I guessed it was too late. How was I to know that it would cause trouble?
God: You remember what I said, don’t you?
Adam: Yeah, I remember. So?
God: I told you not to eat it or there would be consequences, right?
Adam: But you can’t really hold it to me, after all, it was her fault.
God: Adam, it was your action, not hers. You are to face the consequence of your own action. Now, Eve.
Eve: Mmm hmm.
God: Did you eat of the fruit?
Eve: Well, yeah, but the snake told me to.
God: He did?
Eve: Practically. I was ready to talk about something else—anything else. But that snake want to talk to me about godlike powers and stuff.
God: Did he force you to eat the fruit? Did he put it in your mouth?
Eve: He might as well have. I had to eat it just to get him to shut up. And, besides, he lied to me.
God: Really? What did he say?
Eve: He told me that we wouldn’t die if I ate it. He said it’d be great, like a party in my mouth. I think he’s just got it in for me. He just wanted to see me mess up.
God: I suppose so.
Eve: So, since he’s the one who really messed me up, I won’t have to pay the consequences, will I?
God: Well, did you do it?
Eve: Do what?
God: Eat the fruit?
Eve: Well, yeah, but he goaded me into it…
God: But that doesn’t matter. You will face the consequences of your action, no matter what he did.
Eve: But he’s really the one to blame. Sure, I messed up, but I didn’t really know what I was doing!
God: Didn’t you know the command?
Eve: Yeah, but he got it all confused in my head…
God: Did you know the consequence?
Eve: Yeah, but…
God: No buts. If you knew what you were doing and knew the consequence, then the responsibility is yours. Now Snake. Let’s have a talk.
Snake: You really messed them up, God (hee hee).
God: We’ll see. But first you and I need to talk.
Snake: What? I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t hear anything like “Don’t trick the humans”. You can’t blame me.
God: You did hear what I told them, right.
Snake: Yeah. That’s how I knew how to get ‘em. You just about set them up for me.
God: Really? So you knew you were tricking her all along?
Snake: Sure, no big harm, right? Just wipe ‘em out like you said and you can set someone else up to rule… By the way, I got a good idea who could be in charge…

God: Really, who do you think?
Snake: Somebody whose really wise… can sneak around making sure that no one slips up…
God: I suppose you think I ought to promote you.
Snake: Yeah, I found those two hypocrites for you. You should thank me.
God: Look, all you are doing is trying to divert attention away from the evil you did.
Snake: I didn’t do nothin’. It’s their own fault for messing up.
God: But you “set them up”.
Snake: Yeah, but they deserved it.
God: And you deserve what you get. Putting someone in the circumstance to sin is also a sin. Especially if you know that you’re doing it. And you knew that already.
Snake: What do you mean?
God: You aren’t getting promoted. You’re going down. Let’s lose those legs.
Snake: Hey, wait a minute, I liked those legs—they were my best legs. They were my only legs!
God: And just to let you know, pretty soon your going to lose your head, too.
Snake: Oh, I don’t like that.
God: I bet. But your actions have consequences. Every evil does. Which reminds me. Eve?
Eve: Yeah…
God: There’s no more paradise for you. You will have children, and one of your children will crush the snake. But there’s going to be pain in giving birth and in raising your kids.
Eve: Really?
God: Really. And Adam?
Adam: What?
God: There’s pain for you, too. Pain in all your work, every day.
Adam: I knew that you didn’t really care for me. You never liked me at all, did you?
God: Look, Adam. I gave you this garden, which is perfect. And I set you up for life—forever! But you chose to spit in my face. Yeah, perhaps you guys were too focused on each other, instead of Me. If you’d focused on me, you never would have despised me. But now it’s too late. I suppose you’ll think it’s my fault for the rest of your lives—as short as they will be. And you will teach blame and hatred to your children. They will blame each other for their own action and they will hate each other because they blame and are being blamed. And then they’ll kill each other. But I will always keep some who will focus on me. Those who focus on me will admit their faults. They will accept their responsibility. And then they’ll ask for forgiveness. And you know what—I’ll give it to them. I don’t want to kill anyone. But I will do what I say. And Adam?
Adam: Yeah, what?
God: That’s why you’re still in charge of my creation.
Adam: Really?
God: Yeah. I made a promise, and I will keep it. Forever. But still, you’ll have to leave the garden. It won’t be easy street anymore, guys. You wanted to be on your own, make decisions on your own. So you will. I won’t bother you unless you want me to. If you want mercy, forgiveness and opportunity for life, then come back to me.
Adam: Alright, God. That’s enough. Come on, Eve. We know when we’re not wanted. We can figure things out ourselves. No matter what God says. It’s all his fault anyway. He started this whole thing.
God: (sigh)
When we blow it, focus on God, not on other people.
When someone else blows it, look for their repentance, not punishment.
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