Friday, September 19, 2008


Definition: Doing God’s will as opposed to our will ; denying oneself; having our flesh be killed; learning about God by experience; submission to God; remaining under the discipline of God the Father.

Mark 14: 32-39
Jesus was grieved about the necessity of carrying the cross and the shame that God was declaring that he would do. He knew that there was still one opportunity for him to ask God for mercy, that he would not have to carry the cross. But he recognized throughout that he would not ever disobey the Father. Whatever the Father told him to do, that is what he would do. When the time finally came, he was ready to face what he had to face.

Mark 8:31-38
Jesus told the disciples that the climax of his ministry is the cross. That the rejection by religious leaders is the goal of his ministry. Peter told him that this could not be—and Jesus severely rebuked him. The most important thing, Jesus said, is to keep in mind what God wants, not what humanity wants. The world wants peace and comfort, but God wants us to be people who will bring reconciliation to the world by means of the cross. And if anyone is to be like Jesus, they will take up the cross themselves.
Matthew 4:1-11
The significant thing when Jesus confronted Satan is that he was totally focused on doing the will of God. Satan is trying to get Jesus to do things that would be good for himself—eating, increasing his own glory, taking on the rulership of the nations. But Jesus would have none of it. It is better for him to not eat, to be lowly, to have no honor than to disobey God.

Jesus’ teaching:
Matthew 7:21-27
Those who will enter the kingdom are those who obey God, especially the teachings of Jesus. If we hear God’s word through Jesus and do not do it, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Teaching of the New Testament
Hebrews 5:8
Jesus himself had to learn obedience. He had never disobeyed God, but he had to learn it through doing what God wants in the midst of hardship.
Romans 6:11-22
We need to make a determination whose slave we are. If we are a slave to sin, then we are free from doing any kind of righteousness. However, if we are a slave to God (which we are through the cross of Christ) then we are freed from doing sin. And, in fact, we must not do sin, but do God’s will.

Commands of Jesus we have a hard time obeying

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. (Luke 12:33)
Lend to those in need and expect nothing back. (Luke 6 34-35)
Take care with every word you say. (Matthew 12
Pray persistently for justice. (Luke 18:1-7)
Pray for the Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:9-13)
Don’t worry about your basic needs. (Matthew 6:31)
Don’t worry about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:34)
Don’t serve money. (Matthew 6:24)
Be at peace with your brothers and sisters. (Mark 9:50)
Renounce all of your possessions. (Luke 14:33)
Do not insult another. (Matthew 5:22)
Don’t look at someone to desire them sexually. (Matthew 5:28)
Keep all of your promises. (Matthew 5:37)
Don’t do evil to those who do evil to you, but do good. (Luke 6:27)
Give to those who are in need and ask for help. (Luke 6:30)
Don’t collect earthly treasures. (Matthew 6:19)
Don’t determine the final destination of another. (Matthew 7:1-2)
Repent of your sins before you accuse another of sin. (Matthew 7:5)
Do good to everyone, without exception. (Matthew 7:12)
Be prepared for testing and persecution, especially with prayer. (Luke 14:26-27; Mark 14:38)
Strive to be the least of all the church. (Luke 9:46-48)
Do good and give to both the righteous and the wicked. (Luke 6:35)
If a brother sins, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him. (Luke 17:3)
Give in secrecy. (Matthew 6:2-4)
Evangelize with nothing but the clothes on your back. (Matthew 10:9-10)
Celebrate the Sabbath by doing mercy on the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:7, 11-12)
Feed the hungry. (Mark 6:37; 8:2-3)
Be rid of your wealth. (Mark 10:21)
Forgive sins. (John 20:23)
Make disciples of Jesus. Teach followers to obey Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Let us not make excuses for our disobedience. Let us not hope that our disobedience will be ignored. Let us not say that Jesus was wrong. Rather, let us confess our disobedience and strive to do right in all that he said. To gain the kingdom, we must obey his word. To live through judgment day, we must do God’s will. Anyone who excuses his disobedience will be told, “Go away, I never knew you.” Let us repent and do good.

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