Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus' Faith

This is not a list of faith IN Jesus, but the faith that Jesus himself displayed when on earth. It is a basic summary of Jesus' faith as found in the Synoptic gospels:

- Act in accordance with God’s desire even if outward circumstances encourage one to do the opposite
Being baptized by John, even if it doesn’t make sense
Taking on disciples without clear sustenance or household to provide for them
Blessing to the righteous sufferer
Rejoicing in persecution
- Faith—confidence that promises of God will be fulfilled and acting consistently with that confidence
- Following the Spirit and obeying his promptings
- Looking for the Scriptures to be fulfilled—commands obeyed and promises kept by God
Answers temptations with Scriptures that must be fulfilled
Annul commands—least
Everything in the law and prophets must be fulfilled
Avoiding evil at all cost
Fulfillment of law is to love others
- Focusing on eschatalogical promises to be fulfilled
- Looking for God to fulfill promises of salvation, not other powers
-Don’t depend on money, possessions for salvation
-Don’t depend on other men for salvation
- Fulfilling commands for God’s sake, not for the sake of other people
- Prayer is for the fulfilling of God’s promises
Pray that God would fulfill his eschatalogical promises
Pray persistently for the fulfillment of promises
Pray God would love his people enough to send out laborers
- Humility: Not fulfilling self-promoting promises oneself, but allowing God to do that.
Requesting silence when true authority is shown
- Putting oneself in the position of looking foolish if God doesn’t fulfill his promise
Commanding demons to go, rebuking sicknesses
- Confidence in authority given by God
Healings and exorcisms done by authority
Centurion confident that authority spoken from afar is enough
Passing authority on to disciples
- Looking to God to provide basic sustenance, if God’s kingdom and righteousness is top priority
-Not focusing on work and farming to provide for one
- Encouraging, teaching and demanding faith in others that they too might gain the salvation of God
-Encouraging confidence in God’s promises
-Encouraging boldness that leads to suffering
-Encouraging radical obedience to love, beyond the law
-Encouraging confidence in God’s promise about Jesus—that he is God’s son
-Calling on disciples to leave everything—one’s normal labor— and follow him
-Discouraging fear
-Encouraging trust in God’s judgment (not taking judgment in one’s own hands)
-Commanding to depend on God in ministry (depend for sustenance, for ability to minister)

Summary of Jesus' faith:
Confidence in the fulfillment of the promises of the Scriptures
Boldness to proclaim such fulfillment
Confidence in God's authority/power to give salvation to his people who are in desperate need of salvation
Confidence in God's salvation, even if one needs to face distress/testing
Enduring the objections and hatred of those who did not have confidence in the gospel
Prepared to sacrifice all for the sake of the coming salvation of God
Sacrifice for others who need the salvation of God

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