Sunday, January 24, 2010

True Spirituality John 3:1-16

Welcome to Another Dimension…
There is another universe. It is a universe completely ruled by God, without human intervention. However, it is not a universe without sin or rebellion. But it is a universe ruled as God would have it ruled. It is also a universe of tremendous power. It is a universe ruled with justice, mercy and great wisdom. Sin and rebellion are limited to certain sectors instead of being universal.

If we can connect to that universe, life would be so much better. God would be able to rule our lives directly, instead of through such weak vessels such as government. We could achieve justice on earth and peace, if we could but connect to that world. We could have lives of power, instead of the weakness we live with right now. We can have a connection to God. But how do we do that?

You mean like having an Avatar?
Jesus says, “You must be born again.” Unfortunately, this word has been used by so many people, and been attached to a certain kind of Christianity, that it has lost its original meaning. But what is its true meaning?

We would have to look at what Jesus says. He’s the one who used the phrase to begin with. So what does he say? “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit.” “Spirit” is that which is sourced from the alternative universe. “Flesh” is that which is sourced in this world, follows its values, and is invested in this world. What Jesus says makes sense—if a person is to be a part of another world, they need to be re-born of that world, no longer a part of the one they were from. In national terms, this could be called a naturalized immigration. But in terms of being, it would be a rebirth. We don’t need to just be born again, in the same way we were last time. We need to be fully a part of the other world.

This doesn’t mean that we are not still a part of this world. Jesus says, “Unless one is born of water and of spirit, one cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Being “born of water” means being born of this world, born out of a mother’s womb. So the member of the spirit world is actually a being of two worlds—both this world and the next. But the one has to turn aside from the birth on earth in order to fully receive the other world. There has to be a choice, and the choice must be made for the spirit world.

Entering The Spirit World
How do we do this? This isn’t an everyday process. People can try to figure it out. Some will take mushrooms to discover the Spirit world. Some will practice meditation. Some will do yoga. Some will follow religious ritual. However, Jesus makes the choice pretty clear: “No one has ascended into heaven, but he who descended from heaven: The Son of Man.” So we can look for spirituality all we want, but there’s only one person who can tell us the truth about the spirit world: Jesus himself. He’s the only one who’s been there personally and then come to tell us what goes on there. And He’s the only one who can tell us how to be a part of this world, because he’s the first one to be a part of both worlds.

So what does He say? How do we be born of the Spirit world? He has a lot to say about that, but this is the first step: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so whoever believes in him will have eternal life.” First of all, the Son of Man must be “lifted up”. What does that mean—ascended to heaven? Given an exalted place? Well, that’s all true—but first the Son of Man must be lifted up like Moses lifted up the serpent—hung on a piece of wood. The piece of wood is the “sign” that everyone would notice. And that kind of “lifting up” kills the Son, and then he is raised from the dead—indicating the way to the Spirit world. Resurrection is the true rebirth.

But if resurrection is the true rebirth, then how do we achieve it, while still alive? Again, we must trust in the Son who was killed so that he might be resurrected. We rely on Him, even if it means we die ourselves. We will not perish, even if we die, for life is eternal in the Spirit world.

“You Smell Funny…”
But how do we know if we truly have this new life? Before this resurrection, we already receive eternal life. This is by having the Spirit of God. The Spirit is a piece of the spirit world—of God himself—that is living within us. Because of this spirit, we do strange things. “The wind blows where it wishes, and no one knows where it is coming from or where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” The spirit makes one strange, like the prophets of old. The Spirit makes one unpredictable, as one in the world would be. The people of the world follow certain patterns, do things that are of a benefit to themselves. The people of the Spirit are unpredictable, but in a good way. They do crazy things, like loving others, even if it harms them. Like loving their enemies. Like doing good when someone harms them. Like being gentle when one should be angry.

The one who lives in the Spirit acts for the benefit of others. That’s nothing like this world.

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