Thursday, December 15, 2011


To be at peace with others, we must seek peace within ourselves. To be at peace within ourselves, we must seek peace with others.  This is a mutual effort.  In seeking peace with others, they will (eventually) seek peace with us.  To welcome peace from others is to grant peace to both them and ourselves.  Caring peace is the reduction of negative stress in our relationships.  If we begin to listen to others, to resolve conflicts with all parties in mind, then the goal of peace can possibly be achieved.

Opposite: Harsh conflict, resolving conflict with only personal goals in mind.

Conflicts and relational stresses are inevitable.  Do we try to ignore conflicts, allowing them to fester, or do we approach them gently?  Do we manipulate people to try to get them to do what we want, or directly speak to issues?  Do we blow up at others and then hope they don’t bring it up again?  Or do we firmly but gently speak to the issues in our relationships, listening to others’ needs and then seeking to resolve them with both parties’ needs met?

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