Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Essential Christian Poverty

Poverty is a sad commentary on our society. If we were living in a utopia, there would be no poverty. Some have ideas of how poverty could be wiped out, but Jesus said “The poor you will always have with you.” Poverty is not something that is just going away. It is a social disease that will remain with us always.
But Jesus did not always speak of poverty as an evil thing. In fact, one of the main characteristics of those who are going to be rewarded by God is poverty. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in the Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Also, more clearly, Jesus said, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” In other words, those who desire to have God’s wealth and blessing and salvation will seek poverty in this life.

What is the virtue of Poverty?
But what does this mean? Does it mean that everyone who is a Christian should give up their homes and all their possessions and just live on the street? No. Actually, Jesus was very specific as to the kind of poverty he expected his people to live out:

Not worrying about material needs
“Do not worry, saying ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ For your heavenly Father knows you need these things.” Matthew 6:31,32
Jesus tells us who follow him that we are not to be overly concerned about the things of the life around us. We shouldn’t be concerned about our food and clothing, let alone our health, social station or our quality of life. These are things that we should surrender up to God. God knows about our needs, and he is concerned about them. Because He is concerned, then we need not be. As children, we relied on our parents and didn’t worry about who would pay the bills or get us dinner that night. Our parents took care of us. Even so, God wants us to depend on him in the same way.

Not serving wealth
“No one can serve both God and mammon” Matthew 6:24
In our society, people are desperately seeking money. Most people think that money will solve their problems and make their lives easier. In reality, the way people talk about money, they are looking for money to give them the same salvation that God says He will provide. God says that he will meet our needs and that he will give us satisfaction, and he will do it through a variety of tools—and that money is the least of them. But people think that even God is dependent on money, so rather than looking for God (whom they see as a middleman) they will do whatever they can to make money themselves. But those that just seek money are missing God, the true source of salvation. They will do any number of unethical things, forgetting totally about God, in their pursuit of money. Those that chose money for their salvation are missing God completely.

Not collecting stuff
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth” Matthew 6:19
Other people think that if they just had enough stuff they could be satisfied with their lives. So we fill our homes with useless, tacky art and establish holidays whose whole purpose is to give each other more things we simply do not need. Our entertainments continually are convincing us that we need more things, and we pack the stores to gain more and more. But Jesus said that if we are seeking true satisfaction, we will not collect stuff. Stuff on earth, Jesus said, means more stress, more headaches, and more things we need to take care of. More stuff means less satisfaction, less salvation, not more.

Not saving for the future
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Matthew 6:34
The middle and upper classes of our society, having their basic needs met for now, then focus their concerns and wealth on providing for their future in this life. They pour money into health insurance, life insurance and retirement. But Jesus said that to do this was a waste of time. No one knows what the future will bring or whether any of us even has a future. He said that the future we need to invest in is not our future on earth, but our future in heaven. We should invest, not in a savings account in a bank, but in heaven.

Focus only on entering God’s kingdom
“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these needs will be provided for you.” Matthew 6:33
Yes, we want our needs met. We want to be satisfied. We do really need food and clothing. To follow the way of Jesus, Jesus tells us that we should stop looking for money or possessions to fulfill our needs. Rather, we should look to God alone. He is the true provider, and he actually cares about us—as opposed to banks or insurance companies. God will care for us and make sure that our needs are met. But to get him to do this, we must depend on him, and devote ourselves exclusively to Him. He is to be our Lord, and the focus of all of our lives. He is to be our moral guide and will direct us in the things we should do. He alone is worthy to do this, and so we need to fix our eyes on Him.

Surrendering our possessions to God
“None of you can be my disciple who does not give up all of his possessions.” Luke 14:33
Part of what God expects of us is to give him the first say of what we will do with our money and possessions. This doesn’t mean that he is saying that everything we have should be given to the poor (although for some people he will say that). But it does mean that all of our resources—all of our possessions and all of our money—is to be offered up to the Lord for his use. This means that some precious possessions He may take and give it to someone else—perhaps even someone who doesn’t deserve it. But if we have truly given all that we have up to him, it doesn’t matter. All that we own is now His, for his use, for his people, whatever He wants.

Giving away all of our extra
“The one who has two tunics should share with him who has none; and those with food, likewise.” Luke 3:11
In our society, it is easy to have what we really do not need. We have so many extra clothes, food we can’t or won’t eat, and so many other possessions that we just don’t use. The gospel tells us clearly that we are not to just keep such stuff “for a rainy day”, but rather we are to seek out those who could use it and give it to them. We aren’t to sell it, we aren’t to obtain something else in exchange for it—we are just to give it. It is enough that we are providing someone else with what they need, and we are relying on God for what we have.

Giving sacrificially to the needy
“Sell your possessions and give to the needy and you shall have treasure in heaven” Mark 10:21
But the most important thing the Lord asks us to do—the main way to build up our investments in God’s kingdom—is to give to the needy. As Jesus’ people come through town, we are to provide them with food, water and shelter. As we pass the hungry and homeless, we are to do what we can to help them. Yes, this means that we have fewer resource ourselves, but in the end, we will gain much more in God’s kingdom. How does this work? Read on…

Dependence on God
Let’s say that you lived in a small town with an eccentric billionaire (If you are poor and eccentric, you are crazy; If you are rich and crazy you are eccentric.) This billionaire hates the idea that anyone in his town would be living on the streets. Rather than make it illegal to live on the streets, he chose to provide for anyone who lived on the streets in his town. He would pick them up in his limo, he would bring them to his house and have his servants provide for that person. They would eat the best food and live warm and secure until a suitable job and apartment was found for them. Now, lets say that you lived in a squalid studio apartment, with all of your neighbors screaming and the manager hates you. Wouldn’t you rather chose to live on the streets for a short while—living in terrible poverty, so that the eccentric billionaire would care for you? This is the situation we find ourselves in with God. Jesus says that if we live for God in poverty, then God will care for us in a way we cannot even imagine. We will have everything we need and more. Wouldn’t a short period of poverty be worth it?

What do we get out of it?
If we live away from the world’s ways of gaining satisfaction—more stuff, serving money, saving for the future—and instead depend on God for all our needs and do deeds of righteousness with our wealth—giving to the needy and providing for Jesus’ people—then God will make sure our needs are met now, and he will provide for us forever.

Contentment with what God provides
“Godliness with contentment is the means of great wealth.” I Timothy 6:6
First of all, God will give us contentment through his Holy Spirit. If we seek God’s blessing and God’s wealth alone, then we will receive inner peace from him. Suddenly, what we have is sufficient. The things and pleasures God gives us are enough for what we really need. This will take time for the Spirit to do this in us, but to have contentment is one of the best blessings in life. Contentment is something the world cannot provide, nor does it promise it to us—because to be content is to apply a wrecking ball to it’s cardboard structure.

Alternative wealth in this world
“There is no one who has not left family and houses and land for my sake and for the gospel’s but that he will gain more family and houses and land in this world, and in the next, eternal life.” Mark 10:29-30
Secondly, Jesus promises that if we accept the poverty that his gospel leads us to, then we will gain much more in this life. This doesn’t mean that checks will suddenly come in the mail and you will be wealthy beyond measure. Rather, it means that God will provide you with a support network that you can depend on. It doesn’t necessarily happen immediately, but God and God’s people will provide for those who surrender everything of this world for the Lord.

Eternal life
“Whoever loses his life for my sake and for the gospel’s will save it. For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:35, 37
However, the greatest blessing is yet to come. For those who depend on God for His wealth and provision in their lives—all of their lives, while not depending on or waiting on the world—they will gain eternal life. This isn’t just harps in heaven, but it is wealth and honor on earth in God’s kingdom. It is a healthy body living forever with God’s merciful, good people, and having all the wealth that God will provide in the final days. Surely a short time of poverty is worth an eternity of happiness and contentment?


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